Thursday, May 27, 2004

Dex El and Fringe Living

Welcome to My Big Fat Geek Life

I know, I know. You're asking, "What happened to the Big Bodega?" It's just that I've been needing a change. The Bodega was, and still is, a great mouthpiece website. But like most bodegas, it tended to get crammed with all sorts of stupid junk. Necessary, entertaining but nevertheless stupid junk that I will not show my college communications teachers, lest they die of shame for having asociated with me.

Not that I have a monopoly on inane blogger content.

I'm trying to do a Marco: how he can maintain three blogs with respective relevant content is a perennial source of envy.

Suffice it to say that from here on in, you will find the stupid and mundane stuff here. If you want to read up on my fiction, you'll find it in Dexterian Lit.

I will pontificate from The Big Bodega from now on.

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